5G Enterprise Zone

Explore everything 5G related, including how to engage the 5G  Team, emerging 5G technology and next generation networks, and the latest in industry leading white papers, articles, and news.

5G Enterprise Zone

Explore everything 5G related, including how to engage the 5G  Team, emerging 5G technology and next generation networks, and the latest in industry leading white papers, articles, and news.

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Six Way


AT&T partners with customers to design the optimal network solutions that balances cost, complexity, and performance.The Six Way match pathway diagram contains key considerations—from devices (end points) to content/applications and each component must be addressed to achieve optimal network operability.

What is it?

  • The Six Way match reflects tpx;he data flow or cellular infrastructure to help customers build the correct solutions.
  • Enterprises must determine how devices will connect to the network, spectrum availability, transport and how data is stored.
  • An optimized network can address operational efficiencies and security to ensure a desired business outcome.

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Emerging 5G Products

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada eros nisl, eget auctor urna mollis sit amet. Pellentesque hendrerit bibendum pretium. Proin et massa nec eros auctor rhoncus vel interdum lectus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada eros nisl, eget auctor urna mollis sit amet. Pellentesque hendrerit bibendum pretium. Proin et massa nec eros auctor rhoncus vel interdum lectus.

Product Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada eros nisl, eget auctor urna mollis sit amet. Pellentesque hendrerit bibendum pretium. Proin et massa nec eros auctor rhoncus vel interdum lectus.

Product Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada eros nisl, eget auctor urna mollis sit amet. Pellentesque hendrerit bibendum pretium. Proin et massa nec eros auctor rhoncus vel interdum lectus.

Have questions? If you have additional 5G product related questions, reach out to the AT&T 5G Product Team.